
Our members are junior, mid-level and senior professionals in property and construction from culturally diverse backgrounds who wish to develop their leadership and professional skills and expand their network. Our executive committee members work for mid and top-tier organizations from the property industry including architecture, engineering, project management and legal firms.

We invite your organization to join MAPP inc. and become a sponsor because you:

  • Are part of the property and construction industry;

  • Acknowledge and support our mission and vision;

  • Have a strong organizational goal to support diversity and inclusion;

  • Are committed to uplift and empower professionals from diverse backgrounds;

  • Have a good multicultural staff representation.

How to become a sponsor?

Reach out to MAPP inc. at mappnetwork@outlook.com expressing your interest to join us as a sponsor and support the multicultural community.

We will require the following to be included with your expression of interest:

  1. Sponsorship packages type you wish to pursue.

  2. How your organization supports diversity and inclusion

  3. Contact details of the person to liaise regarding sponsorship.

Note: Part payment plans for sponsorship are available.